Throughout the history of armed conflict directed against women, sexual violence has been and remains one of the worst and most traumatic practices. To recognize and condemned as crimes against humanity, acts of violence are still rarely receive adequate prosecution, for various social, political and religious reasons crime is often hidden, and the victims – stigmatizing. This complex topic touching movie – based on real events in dramatic director Anne Fontaine drama „Immaculate (Les Innocents: in 2016.) – see the 10th International Film Festival Šeršėliafam viewers and online platforms „Home Cinema Tale” users.
1945., Poland. The Second World War has ended, but it left wounds still not even begun to shrink. A young French Red Cross doctor Matilda (Lou de Laage) saves the Second World War victims. Goode One winter day in the clinic door and knock assistance is requested finds itself in a hopeless position a young nun (Agata Buzek). Irreligious Matilda excited when she saw the snow kneeling praying sister and secluded convent door opened, becomes painful, closely guarded secret.
Benedictine monks spared the horrors of war. In Berlin marching Soviet soldiers attacked and repeatedly raped following the faith and quiet reflection of your life has appointed a woman. Some of them became pregnant. The nuns can not appeal to the Polish doctors about the risk that will result monastery, it becomes clear this terrible crime. Timid and reluctant – but have no choice – they adopt Matilda professional support. Among women, he develops strong solidarity and mutual assistance based on the connection.
Movie trailer:
Anne FontaineElegant, classic oil painting reminiscent of cinematographic film deals with a complex subject, delicately avoiding melodrama. It’s staring, complex woman director glimpse into the war and its consequences for women. We see the different reactions to the same traumatic experience and they inevitably caused a crisis of faith. „Faith is the twenty-four hours and one minute doubt hope,” – says one of the sisters Matilda. All the film’s heroine has its own individual history, distinctive character and must find a suitable way to survive, and hope to see the flash of his own.
The film can be seen in the International Women’s Film Festival Šeršėliafam „during an online platform home theater tale” here Festival will be held on November 25 – 4 December. cinema „Fairy Tale” and „Multikino in Vilnius, T. Ivanauskas Museum in Kaunas,” Culture Factory „in Klaipeda and the cinema” mines „in Gargždai.

More information www.serseliafam.lt