
Nisimazine Tallin 2012 kviečia dalyvauti kūrybinėse dirbtuvėse

Nisimazine Tallin 2012

Nisimazine Tallin 2012 kūrybinės dirbtuvės, vyksiančios lapkričio 17-25d. Estijos sostinėje – Taline,  kino filmų festivalyje „Tamsiosios naktys“ , kviečia dalyvauti!

Projektas yra skirtas Europos šalių jauniesiems (18-30m.) kino kritikams, žurnalistams, grafikos dizaineriams, fotografams, blogeriams. Vadovaujami profesionalų, jaunieji kūrėjai rengs ir publikuos festivalio apžvalgas. Registracija vyksta iki spalio 26d.


Call for participants: Nisimazine Tallinn 2012

We are pleased to organize Nisimazine Tallinn workshop again this year. The workshop will take place on 17th to 25th of November in Tallinn, Estonia, during the biggest film festival in Estonia: Black Night’s Film Festival (http://2012.poff.ee/eng).

This project involves a film journalism workshop for international young film critics and their mentors. The team of 9 writers, 1 video blogger, 1 graphic designer and 3 photographers from European countries aged 18-30 will be covering the film festival’s programme through unique newsletters that are send out to Nisimazine readers around the globe.

At Nisimazine Tallinn participants will cover festival in the traditional Nisimazine frames of review, in focus articles, portraits, interviews and of course many photos depicting the best moments of the festival. In addition to daily newsletters, all the texts will be publishedonline in the official Nisimazine website. As usual in Nisimazine, editing and publishing processes will be led by experienced mentors Mirona Nicola (Romania) for writers and Johanna Kinnari (Finland) for photographers.

Nisimazine is a great opportunity to develop professional skills in film journalism, meet new people with the same interest, and, of course, explore and enjoy the variety of the festival’s  programme. Traveling to Estonia is from the participant’s budget.

The workshop will provide for:

·       9 film journalists, who are advanced in English writing, to share their thoughts on cinema.

·       1 English-speaking video blogger

·       1 English-speaking graphic designer to develop skills and have an extra project to put in their CV, and finally

·        3 English speaking photographers to get the experience of a film festival coverage.

Together they can develop their own ideas of the film festival. They will be guided through the whole process by processional mentors. The mentors will give personal feedback and help to become a proffesional in the field of cultural journalism.Participants of the workshop will be provided free accommodation, breakfast and lunch and a free access to all festival screenings of the Black Nights Film Festival and its subcategory events. There is no participation fee.

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 26th of October via email to mironanicola@gmail.com.

  • brief motivation letter about your skills, experience,
  • one document photo
  • one example of published text in English on film
  • OR: photos/videos/websites or layouts in English.

The selected participants will be announced on 29th of October and the first skype meeting will be on 1st of November (7 PM CET).

Nisimazine Tallinn 2012 informacija
