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Ilmar Raag’s film “I won’t come back” is to open 21st Minsk International Film Festival “Listapad”

21st Minsk International Film Festival “Listapad”
21st Minsk International Film Festival “Listapad”
21st Minsk International Film Festival “Listapad”

“I won’t come back”, filmed in Russia in co-production with Estonia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Finland, is to open MIFF “Listapad-2014”

Previously, Ilmar Raag’s works have already been screened at the festival. In 2008 his film “Class” (“Oscars” nominee from Estonia in category “Foreign Language Film”) was awarded as the Best Full-length Film of “Listapadzik”. In 2012 “Une Estonienne à Paris” has participated in Main Feature Film Competition of MIFF “Listapad”.

Film critics compare “I won’t come back” with the works of Andrei Balabanow,

The Film is based on a story of 23 years old Anna (Polina Pushkaruk). Anya has grown up in an orphanage. She teaches literature in university and her life does not promise her any rapid changes. But those rapid changes happen, when Anya is falsely accused in drug dealing.  Anya uses her teenage appearance to hide in an orphanage. There she meets young and reckless Kristina (Victoria Lobacheva), who wants to run away to her grandmother in Kazakhstan. Together they set out on a long journey to Kazakhstan, which is going to become a new beginning for Anya.

Serhey Selyanov, who had produced some of Balabanow’s films, was a producer of the Film. Yaroslava Pulinovich writes screenplay in cooperation with Oleg Gaze. Yaroslava Pulinovich was a student of Nikolai Kolyada – one of a theater classics of nowadays.  Critics call her “ray of light in the darkness of new drama”.

Feature film program director Igor Sukmanov comments on the opening film: “I won’t come back” is very special for the Festival. First, because it is filmed in co-production of CIS and Baltic countries which are the focus region for “Listapad”. Secondly, Belarus was involved in production. The finally yet importantly, the film is a bright evidence of the ability of exclusive cinema to coexist with genre cinema. In case of “I won’t come back” to coexist with romance”.

The film was awarded with Nora Ephron Prize Special Jury Mention at Tribeca Film Festival (New-York, USA) and with The Prize for professional achievements at “Zerkalo” Film Festival (Tarkovsky Fest, Russia).

XXI Minsk International Film Festival “Listapad” will take place in November 7-14, in Minsk. “ART Corporation” is an organizing structure of the Festival. The founders are the Ministry of Culture of The Republic of Belarus, Minsk City Executive Committee, in cooperation with BTRC (Belarusian Television and Radio Company), National Film Studio “Belarusfilm” and the Belarusian Cinematographers Union.
